Press Releases:

US Energy Now Co-Chairs Newt Gingrich, KT McFarland, Steve Forbes & Steve Moore Calls for Modern Energy-Based Lend-Lease Plan to Support Both European Allies and American Consumers

Washington, D.C. (March 28, 2022) – Following President Joe Biden’s recent trip to meet with NATO allies, US Energy Now co-chairs Newt Gingrich, KT McFarland, Steve Forbes and Steve Moore today released a joint statement calling for a new approach to support both U.S. consumers and European allies in addressing shared economic and energy security challenges:

“While skyrocketing energy prices and supply chain issues had already plagued the U.S. and European economies, Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine has increased these threats by several degrees of magnitude. In view of these challenges, a modern energy-based ‘Lend-Lease’ plan that removes unnecessary barriers to domestic energy production, distribution, and investment in U.S. energy resources should be implemented to help lower prices for American consumers while also helping to supply needed sources of energy to European allies now threatened by continued Russian aggression. Read more…

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Putin's Ukraine war shows need for US-Europe 'Operation Energy Independence' (Fox News, March 7, 2022)

“Over the last two decades, American innovations led to unprecedented breakthroughs across all energy sectors, including renewables and traditional forms of energy. And for a brief recent period of time these gains helped to secure a monumental national achievement: U.S. energy independence

Sadly, in an even briefer period of time we quickly lost it due to policy decisions based on leftist Green New Deal political agendas embraced early on by the Biden administration…”

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